What we do...

The Ritual

For the newcommers, this is for you. As you know, we serve the Ancient Ones. And they require us once a year to sacrifice youthful beings. Our Organization is located all around the world, and our purpose is to perform the Ritual in order to satisfy the Ancient Ones.

The Ancient Ones

(DISCLAIMER: This is not an image of the Ancient Ones) If you still don't understand what we do, or why we do it, this will surely help. The Ancient Ones were beings who roamed the Earth long before humanity began. When humanity did begin, they decided it would be "entertaining" to allow us to continue to exist. And so they decided to sleep under the Earth, and accept the blood of our sacrifices to stay in their slumber. IF WE FAIL TO COMPLETE THE RITUAL, THEY WILL WAKE AND DESTROY US. So make sure that doesn't happen.

The Organization

We have locations all over the world, and as mentioned above, our purpose is to keep the Ancient Ones happy. How we do that is by successfully performing the Ritual. As long as we succeed once, the Ancient Ones will be satisfied. Therefore, to better our chances, we perform the Ritual simultaneously around the world.

The Staff in Charge

Gary Sitterson

Control Room Technician; One of our most experienced and skilled workers. He, along with Steve, are in charge of running the ritual. He's one of out best.

Steve Hadley

Control Room Technician; Another one of our most skilled workers. He works along Gary in the Control Room. Make sure not to mention the 'M' word and you should be fine.

Wendy Lin

Chemical Department Technician; Wendy is in charge of the chemicals used to sway the subjects. She is currently working on an effective method for the subjects.